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English Tenses used in Business [Present Tense]

Assalammu'alaikum Wr. Wb

Hi everyone~

In this post I'll be writing about how we used English tenses in business life.. (Jadii maklumin yaak kalo writernya sekarang sok"an pakai bahasa inggris...  Hehe (´ヮ`) and this is for my homework actually,  again!)

What I will explain is how we used it and what's the difference between them. 

As we have know,  there are 16 tenses in English language.  The 16 tenses is divided to three categories (if I'm not wrong) :

  • Present Tense
  • Past Tense
  • Future Tense
And in this post I will explain the Present Tense first .

Present Tense

^Present Simple Tense
-> Present Simple Tense usually used when we talk about our routines, habitual, activities (something we always do or sometimes happen).
In this tense we add '-s/es' to verbs if we use pronouns he/she/it. We don't need to add '-s/es' if we used pronouns I/you/they/we. Example:
  1. (In daily life)
    • I go to school
    • She goes to school
  2. (Business life)
    • I save my money in the bank every monday
^Present Continuous Tense

-> when we talk something that being done at the moment / at that time. (Sesuatu Yang sedang dilakukan dan sedang berlangsung). 
In this tense we add the last initial of the verb with '-ing' (gerund).

Example :
  1. (In daily life)
    • She is doing her homework.
    • Look!  Your puppy is swimming.
  2. (Business life)
    • He is paying his taxes this month.
    • The company's manager is doing a fraud.
    • They're using fraud diamond to detect a fraud.
^Present Perfect Tense

-> We use present perfect when the action in this sentence has been completed recently and we see the result of it in the present. 
In this tense we use have/has + verb (-ed / irregular).

Example :
  1. (In daily life)
    • It seems he has already gone.
    • I have done my homework while my friends suddenly come through my apartment.
    • She has studied English well since I told her to study hard.
    • (-) She has not played with us today.
  2. (Business life)
    • The auditor hasn't finished to check the financial report.
    • Some company hasn't paid their tax to the tax company this month.
    • The auditor has found some company doing a fraud.
^Present Future Tense
-> We use Present Future Tense or Simple Future Tense when we talk about actions which will certainly happen in the future and which we can't control. Also it is used in case when we haven't made a certain decision about the future yet.
We often use will ('ll) with phrase "I don't think" or "I think" for predictions based on our own personal opinion or knowledge.
Example :
  1. (In daily life)
    • Ciel doesn't know whether she will go to Amsterdam next summer.
    • I will go to your house today.
    • I don't think it will rain tomorrow.
  2. (Business life)
    • The manager will try to minimize the cost for making a product.
    • The company will improve their internal controlling to avoid a fraud.
    • The company's auditor will change every six year.

Well then, that's all for now~
Sorry if there's any mistake in my posting here. Hope my posting is useful for you.
And Thank you very much for reading ^____^ 

  • Material from my lecturer
  • Application in Google Play Store : English Grammar Test


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Resolusi 10 tahun kedepan!

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