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[Fanfic] Let's Break Up

Okay, this Fanfic is only an imagine story of Seungcheol of Seventeen. And actually this Fanfic I dedicates for my beloved friend, Princess, who lives so far away from this country, she's from Philippines. So, that's why there's my name and my other friend include in this story. ㅋㅋㅋ Mian~

Hope you like it~ Happy Reading!

In the beginning of January.

"Let's break up." said Princess.

Seungcheol was invited by Princess last night to meet up at the cafe. He didn't feel anything weird or wrong with her invitation from the call. But when he meet her and saw her face, he can tell there's something troubled her. And that's it! Princess want to break up with him. Seungcheol couldn't believe it. Why did she do that? how can..

"What's wrong, Princess? Did I do something that make you upset? Why you suddenly said something like that?" Seungcheol ask with his eyes widened. 

"There's nothing you did wrong, Seungcheol oppa. I just want to break up with you."

"Just want to break up with me? Don't you love me?" he ask again while grab her hand.

"No.. I don't love you anymore.." said Princess and look away from Seungcheol eyes.

"You're lying, Princess."

"No oppa..." Princess hesitated. She stand up and leave him after saying "I'm sorry".

Princess go out from the cafe without turning back to Seungcheol. For a while Seungcheol was freeze at his seat. He can't accept what Princess have said.

After that he run from the cafe. He search for Princess anywhere. But he's late, she's gone now. He tries to call her phone, but she didn't answer it at all. While he tries to call her, he go to his car.

"DAMN! Princess why you did this to me?" he said, when he's already get inside his car.

"I know that you're lying to me. Why can't you explain the reason you want to break up with me?"

Seungcheol's crying in his car. He can't hold back his tears. He really love Princess.

Right now, Seungcheol drove his car to Princess house. When he arrived, he found Joshua in front of her house.

"Shua-ya.. Is Princess inside the house?" He ask immediately.

"Wait Seungcheol-ah.. Why your eyes so red? are you crying?!" Joshua shocked when he see Seungcheol face closer. Seungcheol cheek is wet by the tears.

"Ah.. So my eyes reddish right now?" he said that while he weep his tears away from his cheek. He didn't know that his tears might overflow like this.

"Do you have a conflict with Princess?"

"So she didn't tell you." Seungcheol looking away.

"No. She didn't tell me anything at all. What's wrong?" Joshua looks really clueless about Princess. He didn't know anything about this. And he was surprised too that she didn't tell him anything. But usually Princess would tell all her problem with him, since he was her brother.

"She ask me to break up."

"What?! Did she really mean it?! Why?" now Joshua looks more shocked.

"She didn't tell why she want to break up. But I can tell that she's lying to me. By the way, is she at home now?"

"No, she haven't reach home at all." said Joshua.

"Ah really.. What am I going to do now.. I'm really clueless... Can you ask the other who close with her?"

"Ah well.. I'll try to call Dini then." Joshua dial the number. And no need to wait for too long , because she pick up immediately.

"Joshua oppa, annyeong."

"Dini-ya is Princess with you right now?" Joshua ask.

"Yeah, she's with me right now. Is Seungcheol oppa with you too?"

Joshua hesitate to tell Dini that he was with Seungcheol, but he don't want to lie. "Yes, he's with me. By the way, is Princess alright? "

"She's alright now. She just crying too much." Dini explain.

"Ah this little. Did she said anything about Seungcheol?"

"Yes, she said that she want to break up with him."

"But why?"

"You should ask her. Especially Seungcheol oppa."

"Do you with her now?"

"No, I left her in my room with Sumi now."

"Okay then. Thanks for taking care of her Dini. "

"Yeah, I'll hang up now. Annyeong Shua oppa~"
the call ended.

"How is it?" Seungcheol ask Joshua. Seungcheol looks really down now.

"We should check her at Dini house now. You should go with me too."

"Okay then let's go." Seungcheol walk to his seat, but Joshua block his way to get in.

"I will drive. You're not in a good condition right now. Give me the key." Seungcheol nod and give him the key. And then go to the passenger seat.

Joshua started the car, and then go to Dini house right away.

"Don't worry, she still love you rite. You really sure about that. Cool down your head now. Don't think too much." Joshua tell Seungcheol, hope he calm down. And on the way Seungcheol keep silent and didn't talk anything.


Finally they reach at Dini house. Seungcheol and Joshua go inside Dini house right away without knocking. Dini's inside the front room, it seems like she was waiting for them.

"Where's Princess?" Seungcheol ask immediately.

"You guys arrived oppa. Welcome. She's at my room."

Without replying again, Seungcheol went to Dini's room. He open the door roughly. He found her. He walk to her side, grab her hand and pull her into his arm. He don't care with people around him. He just want to hug her tight in his arm. Seungcheol feels like he have been parted for too long with Princess.

"Ya.. Let me go oppa." said Princess, she punch Seungcheol. But she's too weak, she can't think straight right now.

"Sumi, let's get out from here." Joshua whisper to Sumi, who have been there to make Princess calm down.

"Okay Shua oppa." Sumi replied with a sad expression, she hope that Princess can settle things with Seungcheol soon.

"Seungcheol oppa." the tears start trickling down to her cheeks. Princess can't hold it back.

"I don't want to let you go. I will never let you go. If you have something that make you feels down, just tell me. I will listen to all your problems. You can lean on me. But please don't ever leave my side. I really love you." Seungcheol said while his hug become tighter than before. His tears fall down again, but he don't care about it.

"Seungcheol oppa.. Mianhae.. I.. I won't make you worry anymore." Princess replied.

They stay in that position for almost 30 minutes, without any conversation. When Seungcheol release his arms from Princess small body, he see through her eyes. Searching his reflection in her eyes, He know that she's still love him.

"Now.. Can you tell me, why you decide to break up with me?" Seungcheol asked, he put his hands on Princess face.

"Mianhae Seungcheol oppa.. I decide that because of my grade at school is getting down. And I think all of this because I'm too in love with you, oppa. I know my reason is really childish and-- " she stopped. A kiss on her head from Seungcheol stop her from explaining.

"Stupid girl. Is that really because of your grade?" he look into her eyes.


"Why don't you ask Joshua? You know he's smart too.."

"But I don't want to be a disturbance for him.."

"That's kay Princess. He love you too.. You aren't a disturbance for anyone. "

"Eum.. How about you, oppa?  How if you teach me? " Princess ask him.

"Err.. I want to.. But.. " Seungcheol hesitated.

"But what?"

"You know I'm not that smart. ㅠ.ㅠ so i can't help you much. "

"Ohh.. Is that so.. Hahaha" she laughed.

"See? you laughing at me. But!  I can always be by yourside whenever you want me to come!"

"Teehee...  I know that Scoups-ssi"

"Hmm.. What did you say?? I'm your oppa, not an ajhussi.." Seungcheol pout.

"Hahaha.. ne~ ne~ Seungcheol oppa."

*Knock knock*
"Until when, the two of you want to be locked inside there? " suddenly Joshua asking in front of the door.

Princess just realized that she was still in Seungcheol hugs and she jump right away making a distance between her and Seungcheol.

"YA! CHOI SEUNGCHEOL!  OPEN THE DOOR! " Joshua sounds mad. He shouted.
And then Seungcheol open the door.

"Ya, you're so noisy Jisoo-ya" Seungcheol complained. He comes out while grab Princess hand.

"Oh so the two of you have been reconcile again now? What's the matter, Princess?  Did he do something to you? " Joshua start asking so many question.

"Shua oppa~ One by one can you?" ask Princess.

"Don't ask too much Hong Jisoo. Some of your questions is better if you don't ask it. Hahaha " Seungcheol said.

"Ya! Choi Seungcheol! I won't forgive you, if you do something to her!" Joshua shouted at Seungcheol.

"Let's run Princess! Let's go to the beach! hahaha!" he grab her hand, and drag her out from Dini house with his car.



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