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Happy Birthday! 2017/02/14 [SEVENTEEN FF]

Well this is imagine fan fiction of Jeon Wonwoo, one of the member of Seventeen.
Cast : Wonwoo & Y/n (Your name)
Genre : Fluff
By Dini (me of course ใ…‹ใ…‹ใ…‹)

Damn, tonight you're home too late. Time has shown at 11:45 PM, and you just arrived in front of your house. 

With a hasty step you go straight into your house.

When you step inside your house, you see a man who seems fall asleep on the couch. Yeah, he's your boyfriend, Jeon Wonwoo. And in front of him, there's a pretty big cake on the table inscribed with "Happy Birthday (Y/n)"

You didn't expected he remember your birthday. Even you, yourself didn't remember with your birthday.

You put your bag on the empty couch. And then slowly get closer to him.

"Wonwoo oppa, wake up." you whispered in his ear.
"Eumh.. (Y/n)-ya? You're home?" Wonwoo open his eyes.
"Yes, I'm home." you say with a sweet smile.
"Oh!" He startled. He wake immediately from his sleep, after he saw the cake in front of him.
"(Y/n)-ya..Sorry, this should be a surprise for you"
You shake your head slowly, smile at him and says. "Aniya.. It's okay Wonwoo oppa."

"(Y/n)-ya.." Wonwoo stares at you while combing your hair with his fingers.
"Ne oppa?" 
"Even though I'm failed to surprise you, but I will said it. Happy Birthday (Y/n), my love. I hope you'll love me more and more." Wonwoo said and then he kissed your forehead softly.  

"Hm? Only me who will love you more and more? How about you? Won't you love me more, Wonwoo oppa?" you ask him while pouting your lips. 
"You won't beat my feelings for you, (Y/n)-ya."
"You're really confident of yourself, oppa."

"Of course! Because my love for you is really big. Really big until you can't measure it." He replied and hugging you tightly. 
"Aigoo.. alright, Wonwoo oppa. I will love you more and more and I will beat your feelings for me!" You said and pat on his back while hugging him.
Wonwoo kiss your forehead again. Not only there. He also kiss your eyes, and then your cheeks. He gently kiss you and you feel that your cheeks began to burn.
"Happy Birthday (Y/n)-ya. Please always stay with me forever. I love you." Said Wonwoo as he puts your foreheads together.
"I love you too, Wonwoo oppa. Thank you for this beautiful surprise." You said as you stare at his eyes and express your feelings that you really happy with all he did. 
You and Wonwoo keep staring at each other for a moments. Just then, he remember something and quickly move away to the cake.
"Ah right! You haven't blow the candles and slice the cake!" He shout.
Wonwoo takes the matches that he put in his pocket. And then he light up the candles.
"Here, blow the candles and don't forget to make a wish."
You nods a little, then praying, wish for something in your heart.
"God, please.. don't.. never seperate me with him. I really love him. And I hope our loves never faded forever. And I hope, we will together forever."
"fuuh.." you blow it.
"Now, let's slice the cake!" You said as you raise the knive to cut the cake.
"Wait! What's your wish?" Wonwoo asks curiously.
"It's-a-se-cret!" You replied while slices the cake and put it to a small plate.
"Hmm... Are you wishing for something like "don't seperate me with him"?"
"Hahaha.. Guess what ever you like, Wonwoo oppa."
"Is that mean, that's not your wishes? Come on~ tell  me, what's your wish."
"I won't tell you. Because, only me and God's who knows my wishes. Now, would you eat the first cake from me?" You tried to change the topic. 
"Haish.. Alright. Whatever yout wishes is, I hope you will always be happy with me." Wonwoo said. "Hmm... The first cake? Could you feed me?"
"Oh? It's rare to see you spoiled like this, Wonwoo oppa." 
"Why? Can't I do this? Or you don't want to feed me?" 
"Aniyaa.. it's not like that, Wonwoo oppa. It's just.. you really, almost never showing your spoiled side, and just now you show it to me!"
"I'm like this only towards you (Y/n)-ya." Wonwoo answered as he move to get closer to your face.

"Jinjja? You didn't lie, right?"
"You don't believe me? Should I spoiling to other people too?"
"Ah.. Don't do that. I believe in you, oppa. So, don't do that okay?"
"Okay~ Now where's the first cake from you? You must feed me!"
"Ne~ Wonwoo oppa. This is my first cake from me, only just for you." You said as you feed the cake to Wonwoo, who've waited.  
"How is it, oppa? Is it good?"
"Of course! It's really delicious! Because, you're the one who feed me, (Y/n)-ya."
Setelah memakan beberapa potong kue, kamu teringat jika sekarang sudah sangat larut. Tidak mungkin Wonwoo pulang sekarang. Karena sudah tidak ada lagi kendaraan umum yang beroperasi sekarang.
"Ah iya. Ini sudah terlalu larut, bagaimana jika kau menginap disini saja?"
"Siapa yang bilang aku akan pulang malam ini?"
"Walaupun tadi kau pulang cepat, aku juga tidak akan pulang ke dorm malam ini. Malam ini aku akan menemanimu." jawabnya sambil tersenyum jahil kepadamu.
"Menemaniku? Jangan macam-macam Wonwoo oppa. Atau aku akan segera menelpon Seungcheol oppa untuk menjemputmu sekarang."
"Macam-macam apa? Apa yang sedang kau pikirkan memangnya (Y/n)-ya. Apa kau ingin sesuatu yang lebih terjadi? Hm?" tanyanya dengan nada menggoda.
"Aniyaa.. Aku tidak memikirkan hal seperti itu kok." ucapmu. Pipimu yang memerah itu langsung kau sembunyikan dengan bantal sofa. Kau sangat malu sekali sehingga tidak dapat berkata apa-apa lagi.
Wonwoo yang melihatmu tertawa puas. Dia menepuk puncak kepalamu dengan lembut. dan berkata "Haha... Sudahlah, aku tidak akan bertanya macam-macam lagi."
"Haish Wonwoo oppa!" kau semakin menenggelamkan wajahmu.
Malam ini adalah malam dan perayaan ulang tahun yang sangat indah dan istimewa bagimu. Walaupun tadinya kau merasa lelah, tetapi sekarang kau sama sekali tidak mengingat rasa lelah itu. Semua berkat Wonwoo, kekasihmu yang sangat kau cintai.


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Resolusi 10 tahun kedepan!

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