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"Ai Kotoba" Eng. Version

Translyric by JoyDreamer

Love Words

Always there, taking care. I'm immature but you are here, always near, by my side
For listening to my words, I'll always be so grateful and faithful
I tell you I will never forget all the favors that you did for me as I was hiding all my feelings fearfully
That was when I tried to make a song to tell you what is true: "I'm thanking you, more than you knew"

There is the me, there is the you, my feelings grew, love is there too
Sometimes we love, sometimes we hate, this song it holds our fate

Right now, I am still loving you
It's true, I am in love with you
Are you too? I am in love with you
But would you love someone dumb as me?

Giving me what you feel, and your love, is this dream real?
For crying as you hear this song, I'll only give you my thanks all day long

Don't forget, it is set, my childishness will once get old, far ahead, but not yet.
And then we'll meet, you and me, will celebrate it 39 times in a line
The gratitude I carry, in all the songs and verses
I've created though my life to send you when you'd not be close to me
From this place, here and on and out, I know you'll always take good care of me and my words

There is the me, there is the you, my feelings grew, love is there too
Sometimes we love, sometimes we hate, is this what you await?

"What did you then eat yesterday?"
"And what did you do?"
"Did you think of me as much as I think of you?"
Why don't you tell me about all things you're hiding too?

"Did you eat for two?"
"And what did you do?"
"I don't know, maybe I forgot all the things about you."

I am in love with you
But it's a lie and nobody knew
The truth is, I am crazy for you!
I just can't hurt someone dear to me
Listen, I am in love with you
I will give my heart to you
And I'm just wanting to laugh with you, and to say:
"So this was your love song?"

There's a you who is like the me
There's a me who is like the you
We are different and we are alike
So different that we can be, so alike

And forever I will show my love
Sending words to you with a turtledove
They are from me and just for you, so many birds
Carrying my love words


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