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Yuzuru Hanyu

Full name: Yuzuru Hanyu
Date of birth: 7 December 1994
City of Birth: Sendai, Japan
Profession: University student
Height: 171cm
Nationality: Japanese
Club: Toronto Cricket Curling and Skating Club
Yuzuru Hanyu was born on the 7th of December 1994 in Sendai, which is a city in Japan. Hanyu has asthma, and really likes Winnie the Pooh! His hair and eyes are black. His name means 'bowstring' which symbolises confidence and strength. Hanyu has an older sister named 'Saya' and since he was 4 years old went ice skating with his sister. Hanoi was inspired by Yevgeny Pluschenko and Johnny Weir, who are also ice skaters. He attended Tohoku school, which was also attended by famous ice skaters Takeshi Honde and Shizuka Arakawa. He now attends Waseda University and studies Cognitive Sciences and Human Informatics.
Hanyu is really talented as ice skating. He mastered the quadruple spin and the Biellmann jump, which are both very difficult. At the age of 19 he was the youngest person to win a gold medal for ice skating in the Olympics since 1948. Hanoi is the first Japanese man to win a gold made in the Olympics for figure skating. It the senior level Hanyu had a lot of success in world competitions. Hanoi broke a world record in the Sochi competition despite falling twice! He had two coaches and three choreographers.
Hanyu doesn't like talking about his private like in front of audiences or in interviews. He doesn't have a girlfriend because he is focused in his work and he is still young.
From ISU Results :)
Hanyu is the first Japanese male skater to win Olympic gold. He is the first skater to perform a clean quadruple loop in competition (2016 Autumn Classics in Canada). Hanyu became the first skater to surpass a total score of 300 points (322.40 points at NHK Trophy 2015). Hanyu followed his older sister Saya into skating. He looks up to Johnny Weir in figure skating. Hanyu's home and ice rink were damaged during the earthquake and tsunami catastrophe on March 11, 2011 and he trained in Yokohama before the ice rink re-opened four months later. Hanyu switched coaches in spring 2012 and has moved to Canada for training. Coach Brian Orser is the 1984 and 1988 Olympic silver medalist.
Personal Best Total Score 330.43 - 12.12.2015 @ISU Grand Prix Final 2015/16
Personal Best Score Short Program 110.95 - 10.12.2015 @ISU Grand Prix Final 2015/16
Personal Best Score Free Skating 223.20 - 01.04.2017 @ISU World Championships 2017


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